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This ER doctor and heart transplant survivor wants you to wear a mask

(CNN) Dr. Alin Gragossian gets it. Wearing a mask, social distancing, frequently washing your hands, using a sanitizing gel or wipe on everything you touch — all that gets old, fast.

“I understand it’s annoying,” Gragossian said. “But at the same time, you don’t know what it’s like to be in the position where you’re dying.

“I’ve been in that position, so I tell people: ‘If you knew what it felt like, then you wouldn’t be complaining right now.'”

Protecting her body from infectious disease became a habit for Gragossian long before Covid-19 invaded our world. Now, it’s something she does every day without thinking. And she has a message for the rest of us: We can make it a habit, too.

Read the full story here!

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