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Resident Training Programs

Understanding the sensitivity and best practices for end-of-life communications allows physicians to help families during an extremely difficult time. We offer several programs for residents detailed below.

Specialized Simulated Communication Training

This learning opportunity provides residents with the knowledge, skills and confidence for having conversations with families about brain death and grave prognosis. It includes a simulation that allows residents to practice their communication skills while receiving coaching and immediate feedback. Gift of Life Donor Program conducts these offerings at your hospital and they are free for all attendees.

Residents who’ve been trained have successfully demonstrated improved knowledge and report an improved level of comfort in communicating about brain death.  Residents have also expressed that they gained a better understanding of the organ donation process.

For more information about this and other educational opportunities for Residents, call (215) 557-8090 and ask to speak with someone in our Hospital Services Department.

Surgical Resident Training Program

One of the most important, yet most difficult conversations for a physician is telling a family that their loved one has died. This conversation is compounded when the patient is pronounced dead on neurologic criteria (brain dead).

The Surgical Resident Training Program covers issues such as:

  • Actively listen with cultural, ethnic, gender, racial and religious sensitivity
  • Accurately and effectively communicate information to the healthcare team to ensure continuity of care
  • Share information regarding adverse events and changes in conditions of patients with other members of the healthcare team in a timely and effective fashion.
  • Minimize the number of staff members who talk to families about brain death to avoid confusion
  • Choose words carefully. Use simple language as opposed to clinical language
  • Repeat and multiple explanations might be necessary

Click here to find more information on this program. 

To contact Gift of Life Donor Program, call 1-800-KIDNEY-1 (1-800-543-6391) or fill our the contact form below.

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