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We Need YOU: Help Sign Up 50,000 More Organ Donors

Help Us Save Lives

Honor Gift of Life’s 50 years of service by helping save more lives. Support our campaign to register 50,000 more organ donors and provide hope to the thousands waiting for a transplant!

YOU are an essential partner in this critically important effort to increase the donor registry and save more lives! Gift of Life is rallying volunteer ambassadors, hospital partners, businesses, government leaders, and our entire community to achieve our “50,000 for 50” goal. Go to to sign up to become an organ donor.

Help Us Register 50,000 More Organ Donors

Organ Donors

Learn more below about how to become part of this exciting, life-saving campaign. Let’s seize this opportunity to make a great stride towards ending the waitlist.

A group of kids jump into the air.

Get Involved: Easy Guide to Saving Lives

The easy guide below features information and action steps to engage YOU and every corner of our community in our life-saving mission: hospitals, schools, houses of worship, businesses, and your neighborhood. Tell our story – a story of heroes, hope and kindness that saves lives.

On behalf of each family desperately waiting for their loved one to receive a second chance at life, thank you.

For materials, guest speakers and other resources, email

Learn how YOU can help save lives and promote the power of organ donation through our easy-to-use toolkit.

Toolkit table of contents

Toolkit Overview

Take Action

Talking Points and Overall Campaign Messages

Social Media

Sample Blog Post or Newsletter Article

Sample Press Release

Essential Information

View and download entire toolkit

About Gift of Life Donor Program

Gift of Life Donor Program, founded in 1974 and headquartered in Philadelphia, is the federally designated organ procurement organization (OPO) for the eastern half of Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware. It works with 126 acute care hospitals and 12 transplant centers in its region, as well as hundreds of transplant centers throughout the country, to provide the most comprehensive array of services available in the U.S. to the donation and transplantation community. Thanks to the generosity of its community, Gift of Life has coordinated 14,196 donors and 39,469 organs for transplant, the most of any OPO in the country since the inception of our national donation system in 1988. Overall, Gift of Life has coordinated more than 59,000 organs and more than two million tissue transplants since its founding. One organ donor can save the lives of up to eight people, and a tissue donor can improve the lives of 100 others. In honor of its 50 years of service, Gift of Life is rallying the community to sign up 50,000 more organ donors. Together, we can provide hope to the thousands waiting for a transplant. Learn more and sign up at