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Allan J Dilger Jr.

All I Need to Know About Life I Learned From Fishing

There is no such thing as too much equipment

When in doubt, exaggerate

Everyone has a story about the one that got away

It's good to be at the top of the food chain

Even the best lines get weak after they've been used a few times

Sometimes you've really got to squirm to get off the hook

Cast everything in the best light possible

Get Reel!

Take time to smell the fishes.

A fishing line has a hook at one end and an optimist at the other

The fishing is always better on the other side of the lake

Good things come to those who wade

A bad day fishing beats a good day at work

This was the front of the t-shirt that the quilt square came from.

It was one of Al's favorite t-shirts.

And how fitting it was.

Allan J. Dilger, Jr. was born February 15, 1958 with a few strikes against him. He started life prematurely with jaundice. He was given his last rites but fought to live. He was born into a family that was soon to realize a history of heart disease. Along with hardening of the arteries in both of his legs at an early age, his father died from a massive heart attach at the age of 41. Allan had his massive heart attack October of 2001. He fought so hard to live, 95% of the time displaying such a contagious positive attitude. In the spring of 2003, my husband was placed on the heart transplant list. None came available and he died June 26, 2003.

Both my husband and myself display(ed) organ donor on our driver's license. I did not realize just how important it was to let your family members know your wishes. Through his struggle to live, Allan's organs were not in good enough shape to be used but he was able to donate his eyes, bones and connective tissue. Some time after his death I received a letter from Gift of Life explaining how they could use what Allan donated. To me it was one of the most beautiful letters I had received. Allan was always a giver, never expecting in return. It was only fitting that he continued to give after his life expired.

I love you Beeshit

Di-Ann C. Dilger